Conan O’Brien in Finland Suomi meets the fans and the Finnish President Tarja Halonen - Conan like a King of Finland

Conan O'Brien Home page Referred to as “the most cunning talk show around” by Entertainment Weekly, “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” began its twelfth season on September 13, 2004. In addition to dominating the ratings in its time period, every aspect of “Late Night” has been praised in the media, from Conan himself  and the show’s comedy (“original and often breathtakingly silly,” said the New York Daily News), to the Max Weinberg Seven (“the best band in late-night TV,” said The Washington Post).   read more ....



Conan O'Brien, the well known US talk show host, has decided to help out Finnish president Tarja Halonen in her bid to get re-elected - because she looks like him!


NBC's Conan O'Brien. left, presents Finnish President Tarja Halonen with a special Valentine's Day gift during his visit Tuesday.

The Late Night , who ran a mock ad campaign endorsing the re-election of Finnish President Tarja Halonen — because of her strong resemblance to him, red hair and all — had a face-to-similar-face meeting with her Tuesday at the presidential palace in Helsinki.

O'Brien handed the Nordic country's first female president a box of chocolates in the shape of a red heart as they posed for photographers before their 15-minute meeting. Halonen gave him Finnish troll dolls ( mummi ) to take home.

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Conan O’Brien in Finland Suomi meets the fans and the Finnish President Tarja Halonen - Conan like a King of Finland   A.K.PRESS Professional long time Internet Consulting and Press Service - NET Palvelu   18.2.2006    
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Conan O’Brien in Finland Suomi meets the fans and the Finnish President Tarja Halonen - Conan like a King of Finland


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            Conan O'Brien in Finland meet Tarja Halonen the Finnish President

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